Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trying to catch up!

Summer, summer, summer, beach, storytime, SRC...

I'm way behind on 23things!

I just took the Flickr tour for #14 and loved looking through people's beach pictures although it does make me miss the beach even more!

#15 - uploading a picture that is precious to me -

#16 - one of my all-time favorite videos -


  1. Classic commercial! Brought back some memories (I think I sang this into a brush/microphone at a friend's house!) Nice job on the uploading! Hope you enjoyed 23Things and will take your knowledge out into the county to astound all!

  2. Kelley - ah, the simplicity of the brush/microphone! Now my girls do it and I have to laugh.
    I have enjoyed 23 Things! I'd enjoy it even more if I could finish...
