Saturday, August 1, 2009

All Done!

Yea for 23 Things and YEA for actually finishing!
I was getting worried about crossing the finish line. Summer is a happenin' place here at the library. There isn't ten minutes of down time to work on things that take concentration with summer reading club, Battle of the Books and Mother Goose storytime. Reading professional journals? That will have to wait until fall! But alas, I made it.
Thanks, 23 Things team. It was fun!


I've been hearing of podcasts for a while now but haven't subscribed to any because I knew I would not take the time to listen! But, in the spirit of trying something new, I figured if I found a cool podcast I could at least dedicate some of my MP3 to it to try and learn something new.
And cool podcasts I found! I'm in "home improvement" mode (some might call it nesting.) I found an awesome site called "Handyguys Podcast" which has all kinds of basic (albeit not simple) home improvement podcasts. From "Basement Toilet Installs" to how to fix a dishwasher that isn't cleaning properly. Who doesn't want a dishwasher that super-cleans?!

I also found for podcasts relating to new children's books. Awesome!

I sused GoogleReader to subscribe to the podcasts. Now to MAKE the time to listen!